Investors,entrepreneurs and self-employed

The business immigration programme seeks to bring experience business people to Canada who can make a significant contribution to the thriving Canadian economy. This is a Federal programme which is independent from the Provincial Nominee Programme. Currently there are two streams under which people can immigrate to Canada as Permanent Residents.
They are
  • Start- up visa and
  • Self Employed Persons

Start -up visa
The Start -up programme links immigrant entrepreneurs with experience private sector organizations who are experts in evaluating business proposals and providing venture capital. To be eligible to receive a Start- up visa the applicant must have a business venture or idea that is supported by one of the following designated organizations.

  • Designated Venture Capital Fund
  • Designated Angel Investor Group
  • Designated Business Incubators

In addition the applicant must meet the language requirement, one year of post secondary education and sufficient settlement funds.

Self Employed Persons
The self employed persons programme seeks to attract people who will become self employed in Canada. They must have either

  • relevant experience in cultural activities or athletics and be able to make a significant contribution to the cultural or athletic life in Canada
  • experience in Farm Management and be able to buy and manage a farm in Canada.

For a free assessment of your eligibility, please e mail your complete resume to