Study in Canada

To study in Canada as a student you will need a Study Permit. Study Permit is a written authorization issued to foreign students authorizing them to engage in studies in Canada. Study permit is required for studies undertaken at a University , College, or any course of academic, professional or vocational training.

There is wide selection of academic institutions in Canada There are over 125 Universities and Colleges across Canada offering more than 10,000 programmes of study at Undergraduate, Master's and PhD level. In addition there are over 138 Community Colleges and Institutions offering Post-Graduate and Bachelor's degrees. Wide range of institutions which includes Private Career Colleges and Vocational schools which provides training for specific careers and Language Schools for languages too would qualify for the purpose of study permits.

To be eligible for a study permit the student must

  • have received acceptance from a school, college, university or other institution in Canada for a programme of study
  • have sufficient money to pay for tuition fees and living expenses during the programme of study
  • satisfy the immigration officer that he will leave Canada at the end of the authorized period of study.
  • be in good health.

As a international student you are eligible for

On Campus Employment
Student of a full time post secondary programme is to work without a work permit on the Campus of the university or college at which he is registered as a full time student.

Off Campus Work
Study permit holders for full time studies in Canada in a Designated Learning Institution are eligible work off campus without a work permit. They may work 20 hours per week during regular academic cessions and work full time during scheduled breaks such as winter, summer holidays and spring breaks.

Post Graduate Work Permit Programme (PGWWP)
This programme allows students who have graduated from a participating post secondary institution to apply for a work permit to work in Canada to gain Canadian work experience. No need for a LMO. The work permit is valid for a maximum of 3 years.

International students graduated from any Canadian Post Secondary Institution with Canadian experience are eligible to apply for Permanent Resident Status under various Provincial Nominee Programme currently in force. Students who have graduated from a Canadian Institution with at least one year experience after graduation will be eligible to apply for permanent residence under Canadian Experience Class too.

If you require any assistance in applying for a study permit to study in Canada, please call us or send an e mail to