Family Sponsorships

Canadian citizens and Permanent Residents can sponsor the following classes of persons under the Family Sponsorship programme

Spouse, Common Law Partner or Conjugal Partner:
A spouse means husband or wife who are legally married. If the marriage took place outside Canada, it should be valid both under the Laws of the jurisdiction where it took place and under the Canadian law. Common-law partner means, in relation to a person, an individual who is cohabiting with the person in a conjugal relationship, having cohabited for a period of one year Conjugal Partner, means , in relation to a sponsor, a foreign national residing outside Canada who is in a conjugal relationship with the sponsor and has been in that relationship for a period of at least one year.

Dependent Children
A sponsor's dependent children includes biological children or legally adopted children who are in one of the following situations of dependency.

  • Is less than 19 years of age and is not a spouse or common- law partner, OR
  • Is 19 years of age or older and has depended substantially on the financial support of the parent since before the age of 19 and is unable to be financially self-supporting due to a physical or mental condition.

Accordingly a child will not be considered a dependent if he is married or in a common-law relationship. The children with a physical or mental condition that prevent them from being able to financially support themselves will continue to be considered as dependent.

Parents and Grand Parents Scheme
This programme allow Canadian permanent residents and citizens to reunite with their parents and grandparents by way of sponsorship. They can be sponsored to become permanent residents. The parent and grandparents continue to be eligible for a super visa.

The permanent residents and citizens have to provide proof that they have financial resources to meet the minimum necessary income ( MNI) per household. CIC has published a Minimum Necessary Income Table showing how much household earning is required taking in to account the number of members in the house hold including the persons being sponsored.

CIC requires the sponsor to provide notice of assessment for the previous three years as proof of income. In addition the sponsors are required to provide an undertaking to the Canadian government for a period of 20 years.

In the event the parents are sponsored they may also bring their dependent children with them. That means the sponsor's siblings too may be eligible to become permanent residents.

Orphan is a person whose both parents are deceased. An orphaned brother, sister, nephew, niece or grand child who are unmarried and under the age of 18 can be sponsored.

Adopted person
Person under 18 years whom the sponsor intend to adopt in Canada

Relative of the sponsor
A relative of the sponsor ( anyone connected by blood or adoption) regardless of age if the Sponsor does not have any relative in Canada who is a Canadian or Permanent Resident

Refugee claimant
Sponsor ship application procedure is complex. Both the sponsor and the sponsored persons must meet certain requirements stipulated in the Act and the regulations in order to qualify. The Sponsor must give an undertaking to provide financial assistance to the sponsored person to establish himself financially in Canada. This undertaking remains valid for 3 years in the case of a Spouse and 10 years in the case of a child or until child turns 25 whichever comes first. The Sponsor must satisfy minimum income requirement to be eligible to sponsor a family member other than spouse, common- law partner or conjugal partner and dependent children. The sponsor of a spouse is subject to a five year sponsorship bar. This means a person cannot be sponsored as a spouse, a common - law partner or a conjugal partner if the sponsor has sponsored another spouse in the past and five year period have not passed since that person has become a permanent resident.

The sponsor and sponsored spouse must live together in a legitimate relationship for two years from the day the sponsored spouse receive permanent status in Canada, if they have been in a relationship of less than two years or have no children in common.

For a free assessment of your eligibility, please e mail your complete resume to