Live- in Caregivers

Live- in Caregivers are individuals who are qualified to provide care for children, elderly persons or persons with disabilities in private homes without supervision. Live-in Caregivers must live in the private home where they work in Canada.

Live- in Caregivers are eligible to apply for permanent residence status, if they work at least 24 months or a total of 3900 hours in a minimum of 22 months within the 4 years immediately following the entry.

Those wishing to come to Canada as Live-in Caregiver have to apply for a work permit in the first instance to enable them to come to Canada and work as a caregiver.

The Live-in Caregiver applicant needs

  • a positive Labour Market Opinion (LMO) from an employer in Canada
  • a written contract with the employer signed by both the applicant and employer
  • successful completion of education equivalent to Canadian Secondary School education
  • at least six months training or one year of full time paid work experience as a care giver in a related field or occupation in the past three years
  • good knowledge of English or French

For a free assessment of your eligibility, please e mail your complete resume to