
Permanent Residents who are 18 years of age or older are eligible apply for Canadian Citizenship if they;

  • Have been physically present in Canada as a permanent resident for at least 1460 days during the six years immediately before the date of application for citizenship. They must also be physically present for at least 183 days during each of four calendar years that are fully or partially within the six years immediately before the date of application. These requirements do not apply to children under 18. When calculating time lived in Canada, only the time spent after a person became a permanent resident of Canada will be counted. Exceptions to these requirements apply for certain Crown servants and certain family members of Crown servants.
  • Have met the personal income tax filing obligations in four taxation years that are fully or partially within the six years immediately before the date they apply.
  • Declare that they intent to reside in Canada during the citizenship application process. Once a person become a Canadian citizen, he has the right to enter, remain in, or leave Canada which is one of the basic rights of citizenship.
  • Show that they have adequate knowledge of either English or French to take part in short, everyday conversations about common topics; understand simple instructions, questions and directions, use basic grammar, including simple structures and tenses and, show that they know enough common words and phrases to answer questions and express themselves. Those who are 14 to 64 years of age, must send documents with the citizenship application that prove that they can speak and listen in English or French at this level. Immigration officials will note how well an applicant will communicate to staff during the citizenship interview.
  • Understand the rights, responsibilities and privileges of citizenship, such as voting in elections and obeying the law. They must also show, in English or French, that they understand Canada’s history, values, institutions and symbols.

    Those who are between 14 to 64 years of age, when they apply for citizenship, will need to take a citizenship test to show that they have adequate knowledge of Canada and the responsibilities and privileges of citizenship. It is usually a written test, but it is sometimes taken orally with a citizenship officer. The test will be based on the contents of the CIC’s free study guide titled Discover Canada: The Rights and Responsibilities of Citizenship.

    If an applicant has committed a crime in or outside Canada, he may not be eligible to become a Canadian citizen.

  • If you require any assistance in applying for citizenship in Canada, please call us or send an e mail to