Visit Canada

Visit as a Tourist
Citizens of certain countries need a visa to visit Canada. This is known as Temporary Resident Visa. Application for such visa must be submitted to the nearest Canadian embassy.

Anyone visiting Canada has to convince the immigration officer that he has ties such as a job, financial asset, or family that will take him back to his home country. He must also convince the officer that he will leave Canada at the end of his visit. He must have sufficient money for the duration of the stay. He may be required in some instances to undergo a medical exam. A letter of invitation from the host may be required in most instances. The visa is normally given for a period of six months upon arrival at the port of entry.

Business Visitor
Business visitor is person who visit Canada to look for ways to grow his business, invest or advance his business relationship with Canadian companies. He must show that he does not plan to enter labour market in Canada and his principal place of business and source of income and profit is outside Canada. A letter of invitation from a potential business partner in Canada is required.

Parent and Grandparent Super Visa
Parents and Grandparents of Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residence are eligible to apply for a Parent and Grandparent Super Visa. This visa is valid for a period of ten years and will let the applicant to visit for up to two years without renewing the status.

The applicant must be a parent or grandparent of a Canadian citizen or permanent residence of Canada. The visa officer will look for whether the applicant will return to his home country after the visit. The applicant ties to his home country, family and finances, overall stability of the country are some of the requirement that may be looked for. The applicant must prove that;

  • child or grandchild in Canada is either a citizen or permanent resident and meet the minimum requirement of income threshold.
  • child or grand child will provide financial support to the applicant
  • he has a valid Canadian medical insurance coverage for at least one year
  • he passed an immigration medical exam.
If you require any assistance in applying for a Visa to visit Canada under any of the above please call us or send an e mail to