Admissibility Hearings

Admissibility hearing means a hearing held under section 44(2) of the IRPA concerning a person who is alleged to be inadmissible to Canada or alleged to have violated the provisions of the Act.

A permanent resident or foreign national may be inadmissible to Canada due to a variety of reasons.

Such reasons are security, violation of human rights or international rights, serious criminality, organized criminality, health grounds, financial reasons, misrepresentation, cessation of refugee protection, non compliance with the Act and inadmissible family member.

Admissibility hearing is conducted by a member of the Immigration Division of the Immigration and Refugee Board ( IRB). IRB being an administrative tribunal is subject to principles of natural justice and civil in nature.

Such a hearing may result in a removal order being issued against the person who is deemed to be inadmissible to Canada due to reasons mentioned above. The removal order may be a Departure Order, Exclusion Order or Deportation Order depending on the nature of inadmissibility. The removal order may be enforced by the removal of the person from Canada.

In the event of an unfortunate situation where you have been issued with a report requiring you to appear at an admissibility hearing it is important for you to contact an Immigration Consultant or a Lawyer to represent you at such a hearing. We as experienced Immigration Consultants will be happy to appear for you at such a hearing and ensure that your rights under the law is protected.

If you require us to represent you in connection with an admissibility hearing please call us or send an e mail to