Pre Risk Removal Assessment (PRRA)

Persons who are subject to removal orders can apply for PRRA. PRRA has same protection objectives as the refugee determination principles.

The purpose of PRRA is to determine whether the evidence presented indicates that there is more than a mere possibility that the applicant will be at a risk of persecution as stipulated in the Convention Refugee definition or whether he will likely be at risk of torture as defined by the Convention Against Torture or whether he will likely be at risk of cruel and unusual treatment, punishment or risk to life within the meaning of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act if removed to that person's country of nationality.

Who can apply for PRRA

  • Persons whose refugee claims have been rejected (Including those withdrawn and abandoned)
  • Persons whose refugee claim is ineligible for referral to RPD ( Except those ineligible due to Safe Third Country Rule)
  • Individuals who left Canada following a rejected refugee claim or PRRA and more than six months have passed since their departure from Canada
  • Previous PRRA applicants who are still in Canada
  • others individuals who never previously sought refugee protection in Canada and now facing removal

Who may not apply for PRRA

  • A person who is subject to Extradition Procedure
  • person who is eligible under Safe third country provision
  • Failed refugee removed from Canada less than six months back
  • Protected person in Canada
  • Found to be a Refugee in another country
  • Person named in a security certificate found to be reasonable.

PRRA application has to be submitted within 15 days from the receipt of notification requiring the person avail himself of the protection afforded under the PRRA.

If you require us to represent you in connection with your PRRA application please call us or send an e mail to